
Jan 12, 2022

The Difference Between Intentions and Goals

Welcome to 2022 everyone! You made it, you live, you breathe, you ARE. I'm so grateful you are here, reading my blogs, newsletters, following on social media and listening to my podcast.

It means you are someone interested in growth, the power of resilience and healing. It means you are someone who the-difference-between-intentions-and-goalsempowers and supports others and wants to keep living life not just surviving.

Setting intentions is a way of keeping a positive momentum of wellness and growth, going all year round. Goals become measurable parts of intentions but there is a difference between both.


A Goal is a measurable outcome you want to achieve. For example, stop drinking for January or lose 10lbs.

An Intention is a continuous theme that runs throughout your course. It can give a goal a deeper meaning and purpose and fuel positive outcomes and habits. So for example instead of saying "I want to lose 10lbs" you would say, "I want to focus on eating healthily to promote wellness, energy and stop generational health issues such as high blood pressure".

Does that make sense? An Intention is a driving force which avoids the disappointment of missed goals. The great thing about Intentions is that they tend to produce the goal you want but sustainably.


If you haven't already, listen to my podcast, I Have Thoughts here for 4 Ideas For Setting Intentions.

Take some time out to really meditate on what you want to achieve this year, what makes you joyful, how you wish to feel and grow.

Don't forget, I offer a FREE 45 minute consultation to help you get started so contact me now to start your year off INTENTIONALLY.

Share your thoughts below and your theme/words of 2022. You might just inspire another.

Love @pinkagecoaching